The Best Ovulation Test Strips

Whether you're just wanting to figure out your monthly cycle or actively trying to conceive, knowing when you're ovulating is extremely helpful. If you are a Predictable Polly and your cycle is the same month after month, chances are you've got a fairly good grip on when you're ovulating. Not exactly sure, though? Wanting to make sure you're ovulating for optimal chances at conceiving? Well, good news: there are ovulation test strips that take the guesswork out of your cycle. The bad news? There are some that are totally not reliable, tricky to use, and finicky. The ones on our list, however, are anything but. You'll find accurate, user-friendly, and reliable kits with each of one of these ovulation test kits. So whether you're a Predictable Polly or a Never-Know Nancy, you'll be able to figure out your cycle, and with that, the optimal time to work on conceiving.

Easy @ Home Ovulation Test Strips

Testing, One Two Three, Testing

Trying to conceive? Learning to track your cycle? This test kit delivers the most trustworthy results.
Best Overall

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Combining an app with these test strips is a genius upgrade to the typical ovulation test strip kit. How do you use it? First, begin by dipping the test, noting the result, and snapping a quick pic. Premom, which is the name of the app that goes with this kit, will use both the info and the picture to shoot back a visible progression and tracking of your cycle. By keeping your cycle in an app like this, you can keep an eye on when you’re likely about to start ovulating. While ovulation test strips are certainly accurate on their own, the combo of the two here just really works to make your cycle a bit more understandable.


  • By using the strips as well as the Premom app, you’ll be able to keep track of your fertility signs. This includes PdG test results, your BBT, as well as your period information.
  • Clear, clean readings.
  • Use of this kit and app combo really helps with tracking irregular cycles.


  • If you’re well-hydrated, these test strips don’t work as well. It’s best to be a tad dehydrated prior to ovulation testing, which is kind of a drag.

Easy @ Home Ovulation Test Strips, 50-Pack

Like Clockwork

Similar to the one above, this test kit also includes access to a tracking app.
Runner Up

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While it can be helpful to use ovulation test strips if you’re just wanting to track your cycle, if you’re actively trying to conceive, this is the ovulation test strip kit for you. Specifically designed for those who are actively trying to conceive, this test kit helps women figure out the optimal time for conception. Made with an easy-to-read test stick, all of you have to do is dip the test in urine for a few seconds. Once the dye rises into the results window, you’ll be able to read the lines for proper detection of ovulation. This helps to take the guesswork out of your most fertile time. And of course, this all translates to a more predictable window of conception.


  • Dectection with levels of LH as low as 25 mIU/ml
  • Results within 3-5 minutes and with 99% accuracy if used correctly.
  • Clear and easy-to-read results.


  • You’ll need to make sure you can use this test between noon and early evening for the most accurate results.

PREGMATE 50 Ovulation Test Strips Predictor Kit

Simplify Your Cycle

Taking the fuss and guessing out of ovulation, this 50-count box helps you to learn the ins and outs of your cycle.
Best Simple

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Here’s what you have to do to use this ovulation test kit: pee into a urine collector cup, dip the test for 3 seconds, lay flat, and read your results within 5 minutes. That’s it. You’ll know you’re positive by two visible lines that are equal to or darker than the control line, which is there for easy-reading and thus greater accuracy in detecting your ovulation. Have a positive test? You’ve got a 24-48 hour window of time for ovulation.


  • Easy to understand the readings. Positive? Two lines. Negative? One. That’s it.
  • Included cycle chart helps to determine when you should start testing.
  • You can use these test strips to learn your own personal monthly cycle.


  • The strips aren’t the most uniform, so sometimes you might have to use a couple of strips per testing to get an accurate reading.

Wondfo 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Kit

On the Road

With each test strip kit coming in its own package, you can take this kit with you when you're traveling.
Most Portable

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This combo test package is the ideal kit for someone who is trying to conceive, not just keep track of their cycle. Super reliable with a detection rate of 99% accuracy, this easy-to-use test kit comes with each test in individual pouches to facilitate on-the-go use. Furthermore, if you’ve ever purchased single-use pregnancy test kits from your local pharmacy, you know that the cost can quickly add up. That’s why, for both an ovulation and a pregnancy test kit, this is such a steal.


  • FDA-approved strips.
  • Super accurate results in 3-5 minutes.


  • You have to make sure to read the tests within the correct window of time, as well as to follow the directions precisely. Any deviation from the time or from the directions and your results won’t be accurate.

MomMed Ovulation and Pregnancy Test Strips

One-Stop Shop

With ovulation strips, pregnancy strips, and urine collection cups included, this kit comes with absolutely everything you need. Bonus: it's super accurate, too.
Best Complete Set

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Similar to the test kit above in that this includes both ovulation and pregnancy tests, this kit takes it one step further: included are 80 urine-collector cups. You’d be surprised at how handy it is to have those included along with the strips. Following the directions precisely, you’ll have an accuracy rate of over 99%. Beginning with tracking your monthly cycle and learning your body’s own particular ovulation period, you can track the best time to try and conceive. Once your ovulation period is over, you’ve got the reliable pregnancy tests there as well. With all three – the cups and two types of strips – you’ve got a complete pregnancy test kit. In what can be an anxious time of your life, this kit helps to ease a bit of the angst.


  • User-friendly, reliable, and almost 100% accurate.
  • Helps to track your complete monthly cycle.
  • Test kit includes 20 pregnancy tests, 60 ovulation strips, and 80 urine cups.


  • While the cups are incredibly handy, they aren’t quite deep enough for dipping the strip down in. Instead, you have to keep them at a bit of an angle. This isn’t a big deal, other than that you have to watch to make sure the strip doesn’t fall out while it’s still testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to take an ovulation test?

The best time to take an ovulation test is a few days prior to when you should be ovulating. The most fertile days of the month are about 1 to 2 days prior to your ovaries releasing an egg. Because sperm can live in the body for up to 5 days, conception can occur 5 days prior to ovulating and through to 1 day after ovulation. Typically, the average monthly cycle lasts 28 days. If ovulation is around day 14, you’ll want to begin taking ovulation tests around day 10 or day 11. Adjust according to your own particular cycle.

As for the time of day, it doesn’t really matter when you take the ovulation test. The only important factor is making sure that you take the test at the same time every day.

Can you tell when you’re ovulating?

If you are paying attention to your bodily functions and signs, you can tell when you’re ovulating fairly easily. If you have a regular cycle that’s around 28 days, you should either begin ovulating about half-way through (around day 14), or between the window of 10-16 days prior to the beginning of your period.

You might notice an increase in your sex drive. Furthermore, you might notice cervical mucus, a slippery, clearer discharge that occurs around the time of ovulation.

How accurate are at-home ovulation test kits?

It may surprise you, but at-home ovulation test kits can be extremely accurate. In fact, there are many that are up to 99% accurate. That’s pretty darn good.