When I had my first child, there were a few things that I just couldn't wait for. Exploring food with my baby was one such milestone I was looking forward to – I'm a foodie who loves learning about nutrition and creating meals, so no surprise there. But when six months came and went, and then a year, and then fifteen months, and still my little girl still had little to no interest in food, I became pretty frustrated. I was breastfeeding on demand, and my girl was a peanut. While I was grateful that my body worked to breastfeed a child for so long, it was draining. I was constantly worried about her calorie intake, if she was getting what she needed, and if my supply would hold on long enough. During those uncertain times, lactation cookies were my best friend. And when my daughter finally did start eating, I was able to keep up my supply for nutritional support through the continued use of lactation cookies – among other tricks. If you're hoping to up your supply or keep it steady, lactation cookies can be a savior. Here are a few that not only help with your production, but they taste great, too. Munchkin Milkmakers Lactation Cookie Bites Enjoy a Treat While You Up Your SupplyThese lactation cookie bites are delicious, nutritious, and they just might even work to increase your supply, too. Best OverallFind on Amazon When it comes to lactation cookies, the ingredients are key. Without the proper ingredients, lactation cookies are little more than … well, cookies. Oats, nutritional yeast, fenugreek, and other key ingredients are a must. These cookies have all of that and more, so you’ll get all of these key ingredients needed to aid in increasing your milk supply. The ingredients don’t just stay with you, of course. They pass through your milk to your little one, which is why it’s important that they’re high quality and extra nutritious. Everything in these lactation cookies is safe for breastfeeding, too. Expect an abundance of vitamins and minerals that are essential to the developing brain of your little bundle. Pros: Super yummy flavor options, including a sampler pack that contains all of the options. Preservative-free. Recommended by lactation consultants. Cons: These cookies are a bit pricey if you end up using them frequently. Mommy Knows Best Lactation Cookie Mix Shake 'n' BakeWant to bake your own, but don't want to figure out the precise ingredients for proper lactation cookies? This mix does all the work for you. All you have to do? Bake 'em and eat 'em.Best MixFind on Amazon Here’s something sweet: a cookie mix that tastes yummy while you work on increasing your milk supply, and you can make the cookies as small or as large as you’d like. With specially chosen ingredients intended to increase your production, you’ll get a good dose of calcium, folic acid, iron, fiber, protein, and other essential vitamins and minerals. There are four flavors, each of which is equally popular. Aside from being delicious, these cookies contain the right mix of ingredients for getting the job done. Pros: Quick and easy to make. Safety-tested and absolutely free of heavy metals and other harmful chemicals that could harm you and pass through to your baby. If you follow the serving size, this mix will make 24 lactation cookies per bag. Cons: The flavor is on point, but the texture of these cookies is a bit dry. Booby Boons Gluten-Free Lactation Cookies Crunchy, Yummy, Gluten-Free Lactation GoodiesJust because you don't eat wheat doesn't mean you can't enjoy the perks of a high-quality lactation cookie. These are not only gluten-free, but soy- and corn-free, too.Best Wheat-FreeFind on Amazon We understand what a joy it is to find a gluten-free product that actually tastes good. While there are perks to gluten-free eating becoming a major food trend – mainly that you can now find products that are GF – it can be a bit of an expensive hassle to weed through the duds to find the gems. These lactation cookies are, as it turns out, gems in a sea of duds. In fact, they were even formulated with the aid of an IBCLC (International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant). Fancy, huh? Made without wheat, soy, corn, or GMOs, these cookies are a health-conscious, lactating mom’s best friend. Containing a boatload of galactagogues (a substance thought to increase your milk supply), these cookies also contain a healthy dose of essential vitamins and minerals, too. Pros: High in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Five delicious flavor choices. Lactation-consultant recommended. Cons: As is to be expected with GF products, these cookies are a bit on the dry side and crumble easily. Boobie Bar Superfood Breastfeeding Cookie Bar Raising the Bar with These Lactation CookiesThese lactation cookie bars are ideal for nursing moms on-the-go. They taste great and they contain all of the high-quality, milk-producing ingredients you want, too. Best Cookie BarFind on Amazon These cookie bars are so dang good. With three options of flavors (peanut butter, blueberry muffin, and oatmeal chocolate chip), at a price point that’s fairly typical for a lactation cookie product, you could go all in and get every flavor. Your supply will thank you for this decision. Containing superfoods that are said to increase supply as well as being rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and other essential vitamins and minerals, you can feel as good about what you’re putting in as what you’re getting out. Pros: The founder and creator of all of Boobie Brands products, Nurse Wendy, is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Vegan, as well as gluten-free, soy-free, kosher, dairy-free, and fenugreek-free. Contains six milk-boosting galactagogues. In a cookie bar form, which makes them super easy to pack for on-the-go nursing moms. Cons: For maximum results, it’s recommended to eat one of these bars every day. That can get a bit pricey over time. Munchkin Milkmakers Sampler Pack New to Lactation Products? This Sampler is a Great Starter Pack.This sampler contains the best tea, bars, and cookies aimed at increasing your milk supply. Best SamplerFind on Amazon There are a ton of lactation products out there. We’re talking everything from supplements, powders, teas, coffees, cookies, and bars, and more. The list goes on. Really, the market is saturated with lactation products, and it seems like there’s always a new product popping up, too. It’s understandable. After all, the anxiety of a breastfeeding mom is a real thing: are you making enough milk to meet your baby’s demands? The amount of products out there is partly why we love this sampler pack – it allows you to figure out which products work best for you. This set includes 12 sachets of tea, 2 bars, and 3 bags of lactation cookie bites. Pros: Excellent gift for a mom who’s new to breastfeeding Berry Lactation Tea is a certified organic product. The 12 tea bags are reusable and can be used for either hot or iced tea. Cons: If you’re watching your overall calorie intake, these cookies and bars can quickly add up. Frequently Asked Questions Are lactation cookies a reliable and safe way to increase your milk supply? Yep, lactation cookies may actually increase your supply. Combined with a few other methods, lactation cookies can be a helpful addition to upping your milk production. How do you know if your milk supply is low? Is your little one extra fussy when they nurse? Are they grabbing at your breast, seemingly trying to get more? Are they a little extra unhappy, have less wet or soiled diapers? These could all be signs that your supply is dipping. While these actions aren’t always a sure sign, if you notice any of these signs, you might have a recent decrease in your milk production. Check in with a lactation consultant to see what steps you should take. And as a side note, here’s a little something that not everyone knows: what you pump is definitely not indicative of your milk supply. Hardly get any milk per pumping session? No need to freak. Sometimes that’s just the case. What are other ways to increase your milk supply along with lactation cookies? For starters, examine your nutritional intake. Are you eating enough of the good stuff? Dark and leafy greens, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are all a part of the good stuff. How about your water intake? Make sure to keep that way up. Next, have you had your hormones checked? Low thyroid, among many other hormonal shifts, can greatly decrease your milk production. And finally, check in with the rest of yourself. How’s your sleep? Anxiety? Stress? While this can feel like an overwhelming amount of factors, try not to stress. Just keep an eye on your overall health, work on the components that feel manageable, and be gentle with yourself. Pumping can also help, as well as more frequent breastfeeding sessions. And if you have to supplement, this is absolutely not a failure. Despite how it may feel, giving your child what they need, however that looks, is a success.